PTFE Seals and Gaskets - FDA graded Food and Pharma Seals

Safe and hygenic packaged foods and reliable medicines requires perfect sealing designs and solutions. It requires quality seals that can withstand strong temperature fluctuations and aggressive media. A good food and pharma seal will not permit any kinds of aroma transfer or leakage of fluids.
Delhi based NewAge Scaffolding has been a reliable stockist of FDA approved gaskets and food and pharma seals, We are authorized stockists and suppliers of Soft expanded
PTFE (FDA / Food Grade/ Pharma Grade) KLinger Gaskets.
When any kinds of food particles or contaminants, air or even microorganisms can enter the food package, they case Seal contamination due to poor seal. Channel leakage can be caused throughout the production and distribution cycle leading to food spoilage. It is important to encapsulate food particles during the entire process to increase packaging integrity and minimize any sort of contamination. The FDA has strict guidelines and tests to ensure the same.
Lets see a few important considerations to protect food packages from seal through contamination.
Sealing temperature -
In an attempt to shorten the packaging cycling process, adjusting the heat seal parameters is a common practise which is wrong and affects the proper sealing. The temperature that gives a good seal for one film may not be adequate for another, so this needs to be done efficiently and professionally.
Seal Strength-
Heat seal strength is an important factor to the evaluate the performance of the packaging material in storage to avoid leakage problems which may occur in transportation or storage.
Polymer Performance-
Seal temperatures, hot tack and seal strengths should be considered by Food manufacturers alongwith the suppliers to identify the best material that would improve a sealants ability to effectively encapsulate and decrease any channel leaks.
Dwell Times –
If the dwell time is shortened to shorten the packagaing cycle, there may be insufficient heat at the seal interface to soften the sealants. Sufficient time to flow around contaminant is needed to encapsulate food particles or medicines.
Our experienced team guided by
Mr.Sanjay Jain can answer your queries on selection of Gasketing and Sealing Material.